Classless Ascension

Chapter 388 DO NOT READ


Once upon a time, in a peaceful mountain, a man was freezing his ass in the snow, completely ignoring the very people he had called upon. 

A. First came the rations. 

It was unbelievable how after a single hour, the shipment arrived. It had taken the party a few days to do the same journey, proving two things: 

1. The unlucky monk\'s aura had really made them lose a lot of time. 

2. The supermarket representative had been especially quick. 

The guy taking charge of the shipment was also the owner of a Climber food supplier company. 

He talked like a bigshot, dressed like a bigshot, and had the aura of a bigshot. Heck, he had even brought a portable luxurious meeting room along, one that was probably worth a few palaces! 

One could have said that he had lots of experience as he\'d often work with even a guild as big as Devouring Panda and even the MTA itself. But even he couldn\'t sit still: he was so eager to meet Josh! This represented an incredible business opportunity! 

After all, the state of the food at the D.L. school was renowned far and wide….for being horrendous! As long as he could convince the man to do business with him, his company would soar in one go! 

But there was an issue: he couldn\'t even meet his target!! How was he supposed to convince someone he couldn\'t even talk to?! 

What made it worse was the reason he was being denied. 

Josh\'s companions would always say word for word: "He\'s too busy freezing his ass in the snow to see you." 

"Do you know who I am?!" He thundered, showing incredible majesty. 

"Don\'t know, don\'t care." They\'d simply shrug, not giving him the time of day! 

He could only grumble as he waited by the side, along a ton of shellshocked monks. They felt like the rings the man was casually wearing were worth more than their mountain! 

Out of boredom, he looked at the poor monks as he began bragging. 

He enjoyed their shock as he told them about the largest deals he made, or the popular Climbers he had met, or the wonderful places he had been to. 

At one point, he even chuckled: 

"You guys should really explore the world. Only then will you understand how tiny this mountain of yours is." The words were fine, but the done was condescending. 

He saw the monks turn crestfallen as they realized their shortcomings—all of them except one who was giggling to himself. 

"Is there something funny?" He frowned, annoyed at the youngster\'s expression. 

"Mister Josh prefers to freeze his ass on this tiny mountain than to entertain you! I guess it has its charm?" He gave a bright smile. 

The bigshot\'s face cramped as he chose to remain silent from that point onward. 

The monks suddenly felt proud. After all, Josh had come all the way over here to learn THEIR scriptures!  <br/><script>ChapterMid();</script>

B. Then came the construction crew. 

They too came hurriedly, with an entire goddamn fleet! There were so many vessels that the monks gave up counting them! 

The scene of them all descending on the tiny mountain had the monks staring in awe. But then they had another shock. Every single one of them was a Climber!

To them, Climbers were akin to mythical creatures, and they would very rarely see one. They had already seen more of them today than in their entire lives. It was that big of a deal! 

Even the bigshot raised a brow: the guy in front was the famous builder Bob! He was famous in the circle and had a super long waiting list of clients! 

There was no way that this guy would be doing a surprise visit like he was. This meant that Josh would definitely know that he was coming and would obviously come to meet him: this was good news! 

Bob obviously asked about Josh: 

"Master is too busy freezing his ass in the snow to see you." A hulking orc politely replied but still used the same freaking words! 

What the heck was wrong with these guys?! If Josh stood the construction crew up, they\'d never agree to work for him ever again! But then the bigshot froze as he heard the reply. 

"Is that so? Coming from him, it\'s not too surprising." He nodded as if that was expected.

What the hell?! Not only was he not angry, but he was also coming by the side toward the monks as he began to chat with them. 

The construction crew by the side didn\'t seem to mind either. They had already set up a few tents and were drinking hot-coco by a fire. 

The bigshot couldn\'t help but suddenly ask the man: 

"Aren\'t you the builder Bob?! Are you really going to waste your time here?!" 

"Why does it matter to you? Also, please shut up. I\'m having a discussion with these nice monks." He berated him. 

The bigshot twitched but endured. A few minutes later, he had managed to reveal his identity in a regular conversation. But even as the man learned of it he only shrugged and kept talking to the poor monks! 

At some point, he just couldn\'t take it: 

"Why do you care so much about them? They\'re destitute and powerless?" 

"My Boss wants me to build them a monastery. Come back to me when you manage to convince Josh to gift you a castle or something!" Bob shook his head, clicking his tongue. 

Wait…Boss?! This crew belonged to Josh?! Since when?! This would explain why they wouldn\'t mind waiting for him.

Still, why did everyone care so much about these monks?! It didn\'t make sense! 

For now he\'d keep waiting. Perhaps he\'s try and beg them for a drink? After all, even the monks had one… 

C. Finally Black Legion battleship showed up. 

The monks weren\'t the only ones freaking out, so was the bigshot. Sure he had dealt with the MTA, but only with the civil servants! 

What the fuck was the army doing here?! Once upon a time, they had done a whole surprise fleet test going around all three Metropolises with the man. 

Even now some crazy people kept arguing that it had been all following the man\'s whims, but that was obviously bullshit. Back then he didn\'t have that much influence. 

There was no way that the freaking army would agree to the selfish demands of one random guy! Then again, it didn\'t matter much now. 

What mattered was that the battleship was led by a colonel, the rank right below general! As the man landed, the bighshot rejoiced. This time Josh would have to show up for sure! It was neither a surprise visit nor his subordinate! 

The colonel soon asked the obvious question: 

"He\'s too busy freezing his ass in the snow to see you." A fiery-haired man replied. 

There was no way that the man would accept such a….

"It\'s fine! I\'ll wait as long as it takes, even if the world freezes over! If he\'s taken interest in this mountain we\'ll defend it like a national treasure from now on. Right men?!" He shouted powerfully. 

In the back the many soldiers with him instantly clamored in unison: they\'d remain even after the world froze! 

Not only wasn\'t the colonel pissed, but he was also awkwardly scratching his head, looking like a fan if front of his idol. 

"S-sir, could I please have an autograph?" He tentatively asked while putting forward a metallic dog tag. 

"Sure, why not, but only because I\'m in a good mood! I\'m only signing this one too!" The youngster quickly wrote his name by melting part of it with flames. Dale?

What the Hell?! Who the fuck was that guy?! The bigshot felt a a loss. Not only wasn\'t the soldier minding the wait, but he was even fawning over that random guy?! 

A few soldiers in the back were staring at their colonel with a glint of envy in their eyes. If only they had asked first! 

The bigshot subtly inched closer to them, ineuqirring about the man\'s identity. But their reaction was extremely exaggerated. 

"What?! You don\'t know who Dale the pheonix is?!"

"Man, do you live under a fucking rock or something?!" 

"Holy shit! You should expand your knowledge, brother!" 

"Guess we\'ll have to teach the fool! You\'re lucky you met us!" 

No, seriously who the heck as this guy?! That\'s when the soldiers nearby all forcefully brought him toward the campfire ,grabbing a cup of hot-coco. 

Somehow, they seemvery natural doing it, as if they had done it a thousand times. Some even nodded at the contrsuction crew as if old friends. 

"Alright, it\'s story time. Have you ever heard of the Alter tower!" 

Thus they began their tale. The more it went and the more the bigshot felt like his world was turning upside down. All the rumors about how crazy the students at D.L. were seemed to be true! 

In their eyes he could see fanaticism. There was no way that the MTA would obey one man, not even one with connection. 

It was simply that he had somehow impressed them enough to inspire their respect. The more he lsitened and the more the bigshot realized taht he had freaking underestimated Josh\'s influence! 

That\'s when the bigshot figured out tht he had to meet the man at all costs! So what if he had to freeze his ass in the snow? So what if this was a tiny mountain? 

At this rate there would soon be countless other "bigshits" just like him waiting by the side.

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