Classless Ascension

Chapter 377 Josh Died...Again!

A Wraith army was freaking approaching! 

Those creatures\' drain was so goddamn painful! There was no way that the orc would even try to fight them! As soon as he saw them, he ran toward his master without waiting. 

He took position next to Josh, doing his utmost best to defend him against the blood summons while grimacing as the wraiths got closer. 

"Master, I\'ll need your help on that one!" He begged. 

"What happened to being a proud independent orc? Did you give that up already?" Josh replied as he kept shooting at the boss, ignoring the new monsters entirely. He didn\'t have the time to care about them. 

— Twang! Twang! Twang! —

But the boss was still so damn fast! Even with his locking ability, he didn\'t manage to hit it every time.

"If only we could hold it in place for a few seconds. We\'d need a goddamn vacuum like in Ghostbusting!" 


"It\'s a movie. They use special instruments to suck in the ghosts and trap them. Don\'t worry about it." Josh sighed, summoning Blattagriffs on the side. 

That\'s when the wraith army finally reached them. The orc felt like a juicy helpless kitten in a mosquito swarm. The creatures wanted his blood, and no matter how much he swung his hammer, it wouldn\'t drive them away, especially considering the blood golems. 

The Blattagriffs were valiantly going on a killing spree, but the wraiths were so damn numerous that they couldn\'t keep up! The only thing keeping them alive was Josh\'s energy scaring the things away. 

The orc turned incredibly solemn. At this moment, it was a do-or-die situation. Could he do anything to help? Anything at all?! He felt so damn helpless! 

He had promised his master to help him, and yet he was being carried so much! This was so damn embarrassing and unworthy of an orc warrior! 

But he suddenly had a flash of insight. His master needed him to hold the wraith king in place, and the creature was magical. He might have a plan! 

"Master, throw me up there, and I\'ll try something!" He groaned as his vitality kept being devoured by the creatures. 

Josh glanced at him, noticing his sorry state before nodding. Whatever he was planning, it was worth trying. They were at an impasse anyway. 

The orc jumped at him, feet first. It only took a second for Josh to grab him and throw up as quickly as possible. The orc flew like a cannonball— a slow one. 

The wraith king had enough speed to dodge the orc projectile but inched closer instead. This was such a tasty meal! It began to eagerly devour the orc with him, only managing to do a weak palm strike in response­. 

Was he going to freaking die up there?! But that\'s when he gave a victorious grin. 

"You\'re not the only one that can mark, Master!" He chuckled as he made a gesture Josh recognized. This was his armor recalling move! Except, he was dragging the wraith king that he had touched earlier! Wow!  <br/><script>ChapterMid();</script>

"Great fucking job!" Josh praised as he summoned Nightmare and the grass elemental. "Buy me some time!" He shouted as he focused on the boss again. 

Every time it tried fleeing, the orc would use his armor attraction ability. This left the boss unable to dodge Josh\'s arrows. It quickly turned into a porcupine. Eventually, it finally vanished. 

As soon as it was gone, the blood golems dissolved, and the wraiths ran away from screeching the Blattagriffs. 

The orc fell back with a heavy crash. He was utterly unable to move and yet was grinning so much. He had been helpful for once! He had managed to make a cheerleading jump work in combat, somehow. 

Even Josh felt weak at the knee as he rested. He really had to take a break to regenerate his mana. He felt so damn light-headed! But suddenly he noticed that an item had dropped from the boss. 

< Wraith Helmet > 

- Part of the wraith set: gives owner wraith abilities. 

Josh couldn\'t help but raise a brow. 

"System, what\'s up with that? Why wasn\'t there any Loot from the previous floors from random drops? Now it\'s back?!" 

[Completed Floor 26 Hellish!] 

[Solo Clear or Not? Analyzing.] 

[Orc Is Considered a Power of the Host!] 

[Feat Accomplished! Preparing Solo Clear Rewards!] 

[Please pick one—…]

"System, answer me! What\'s happening now? Can I replay the Floors or not?!" 

[Analyzing Previous Question! Analyzing!] 

[Floor 24 Destroyed By Player: Only One Reward!] 

[Floor 25 Was a Special Floor, single Reward Issued!] 

[Any regular Floor can be replayed for increased rewards!] 

"Good, it makes sense. What about the rewards now?!" 

[Please Pick One: Complete Wraith Set | Wraith bead | Blood Rain Scepter | Wraiths Summon Stone] 

"Master, so much choice! Now, which one is the best?!" The orc king was already in investigation mode, his eyes glowing with curiosity as he began a monologue. 

"The wraith set definitely seems nice. After all, who knows how long it will take us to clear this Floor over and over. But it does seem a bit unnecessary."

"The wraith bead could possibly contain a bloodline. However, absorbing it might actually harm the body with all the negative energy and too difficult to absorb." 

"The blood rain scepter seems extremely strong, but it might have requirements. As none of us are mages, it might not be that helpful." 

"The wraiths summon stone seems similar to your Blattagriff summon ability. It really saved us on this one." 

"So, what would you go for?" Josh asked with a smile. 

"The summon for sure, then maybe the armor to save time or the scepter to use or sell." He answered seriously. 

Josh simply began to guffaw, laughing his ass off. This left his partner completely flabbergasted. What the heck was that about?! But the man\'s next words enlightened him. 

"What do you think will happen if I\'m the one summoning wraiths? You know, the ones deadly allergic to my mana for some reason…." 

The orc showed an embarrassed expression. Josh was the most magic-oriented one between the two of them. He could now picture the wraiths being summoned and perishing instantly because of the purple mana. 


That\'s when Josh gave a confident grin: 

"System, give me the wraith bead!" A small bundle of fog appeared in his hand. It didn\'t look safe at all! 

Without waiting, he gobbled it up. So what if this thing was dangerous? He had a goddamn gluttony bloodline! He felt it reach his stomach and it felt like he had consumed an entire block of ice! 

"ARRGGG!" He screamed in anguish! 

"Master, are you alright?!" the orc cried out in shock as he saw Josh suddenly turn grey, then more and more transparent. What the fuck was happening?! 

Then a few seconds later, Josh was gone from this world just like that. The orc fell on his knees as he grabbed at empty air. 

"M-master?!" He sorrowfully called out. 

That\'s when Nightmare and the rat disappeared, along with the grass elemental returning to its branch. As their summoner was gone, they couldn\'t remain in this world. It was over just like that?! 

Before, he had felt a very slight link with the man, but now it was gone entirely. He was gone, forever! What about all that they had planned?! What about their uprising against the gods?! 

They had started as enemies, but Josh had freed him from his cage. He could have just slaughtered him, but he had gone out of his way to save him! He had shown him that there was a vast world out there. 

Now he wouldn\'t be able to repay his savior for his favor!— Not that he could have had anyway. At this moment, all the excitement from their earlier victory disappeared. This realm seemed so lonely. 

"M-master." He called out in vain, choking a bit, a single tear falling on his cheek. But as he glanced at the spot Josh had disappeared from, he turned solemn. 

"Don\'t worry, master. I will remember your legacy and your will. I will free the orcs from the gods\' domination, and I\'ll bring the humans along for your sake! I swear on my forgotten Orc King title!" He uttered with emotion. 

"You should probably add a statue so the future generation can gaze at my handsome appearance." Josh\'s teasing voice came from right behind him. 

"W-what?! How?! I felt it you were—"

"Dead? No, just a very fun ability. Still, I\'m surprised. Such a big guy and tearing up so easily." Josh teased him. 

But instead of feeling embarrassed, the orc king stared at him dead in the eyes: 

"No, I meant it. Whether you\'re dead or alive, my promise still stands. You\'re worthy enough to deserve it!" He thoughtfully added. 

Josh gave a warm smile, patting the man\'s shoulder. "Alright, I\'ll hold you accountable to it then." He chuckled before turning to his status screen: 

- C+ Weapon Mastery 

- C Magical Archery 

- D Mana Manipulation

- D Mana Coating

- D Shadow Step 

- E Great Gnoll Bloodline: Piercing Eyes

- F Illustrious Wraith Bloodline: Alter World Gate

- U (E+) Gluttony Bloodline: Endless Stomach, Devouring+

His new ability felt so damns strange! Somehow, he instinctively knew that the illustrious wraiths all unlocked different abilities. 

For that boss, it had been a blood rain, and for him, it was moving to an alternate world?! It sounded so damn OP, but it was akin to disappearing into space cracks for a mere instant. People would have trouble killing him, but the opposite was the same. They could ambush his return too. 

Did this stem from his rejection of this world? After all, as long as they weren\'t here, he would keep disregarding this reality! 

"Alright, let\'s keep farming now that we know how to run it," Josh instructed. 

But the orc on the side seemed pensive. 

"Are you still shaken by my short disappearance? Don\'t worry about it." Josh comforted him. 

"That\'s not it, master. I\'m just wondering how we\'ll deal with the succubi on the next Floor." 

Wait, what?! They had already reached it?! Oh well….


[A/N] Thoughts on the new ability and the upcoming Floor? =P

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