The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 229 - How About We Do The Deed Today?

After walking away from the warhorse, I looked back into the crowd of humans with a tilt of the head.

\'Why are they all looking at me like that?\' a single sweat drop rolled down from the top of my forehead.

[Probably because you communicated with a beast]

\'Oh yeah... Completely forgot about that\' A stupid smile curled at the corner of my lips



[I don\'t know how to make a sighing emoji ¯_(ツ)_/¯]


"What was that about?" A familiar voice entered my ears making me look to my left to see a red-haired girl with bright yellow eyes. Her face was currently emotionless, yet that did not take away from her heaven-shaking beauty that would stun even the gods. 

She had voluptuous curves that made her not only beautiful in one sense but sexy in another. This was all without mentioning how amazing she looked in her suit and long coat, both things that could not hide her busty figure.

"Stop ogling me and answer the damn question" She waved her hand that wore a black leather glove around it. I could see countless runes on it with my divine eyes, but since I could not read them, I had no choice but to look away.

\'I really need to learn the runic language. Why can\'t the divine language help me with this?\' I inwardly cried

[If runes are a language, then maths is too. But you don\'t see it helping you with math now do you?]

\'And why is that\' I retorted stubbornly 

[Becuase both those languages are too complicated for something as meager as the divine language to decode. They are both things that are considered above Gods, which is also another reason why they are so scared of it. If they can\'t control it, they banish it] 

I could almost hear the contempt in her voice even though her voice was but an emotionless robotic one that had gained specks of life after her evolution. Unfortunately, I could not delve further into the origins of her hatred for the God race due to Rose being, but I made sure to keep in mind a note to ask her about it later.

"Wassup" I nodded at her




"What?" If one were to squint, they would be able to see question marks above my head.

[Did you get possessed by some kind of gangster?]  I could not tell if she was mocking me or asking a serious question.

"I don\'t know... For a second there, it felt like your vocabulary had degraded to a level of retardedness that I had not seen in a long time" Rose rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Wha-... Ugh. Anyway, what did you want?" I asked while pulling a tired face that unfortunately, no one could see. Yet even then, Rose was able to identify the change in the atmosphere, allowing her to guess what my expression looked like right now.

"Well, you just spoke to the beasts, didn\'t you? How do you want me to react?" She scratched her right cheek

"Oh, that? I thought everyone could do that..." I lied through my teeth

Seeing me slightly confused, Rose sighed and said "While I know you might have seen some people talk to beasts before, that beast did not speak the human tongue! It spoke the beast tongue and you understood it perfectly" 

Rose took a few more minutes trying to emphasize how drastic my action was but I acted like I could not understand where she was coming from. 

After seeing her finally give up, I grabbed her by the arm by locking our arms together before walking forwards with skips in my steps. Yuri chose to just follow us while the rest of the humans in the area looked at us with mixtures of admiring glances and fearful ones. This was natural though since humans are scared of the unknown. It is why some people have fears of the dark.

"Hey Rose" I whispered to my side when I finally saw Olivia in the distance. I wanted to ask one thing before closing in further on Olivia.

"What?" She raised a brow

I quickly switched my attention from Rose\'s body and instead used my 360-degree vision to see if Yuri was far enough for me to speak about what I was thinking.

After seeing that Yuri probably could not hear me as long as I whispered, I moved closer to Rose\'s ears and opened the mouth compartment of my mask to whisper in her ear.

"Since this is technically considered an S rank mission, how about we do the deed today"

My hot breath mixed with my melodic voice sent shivers of euphoria down Rose\'s entire body, but she made sure not to show any of it on her cold face. Yet, this did not stop me from being able to hear, see and even smell her blood pumping much faster than before. She also began to exhale and inhale a little faster which surprised me considering she was sometimes referred to as the "Cold Faced Devil"

"We\'ll speak about it later" Rose quickly pushed me away from her and moved a few steps further away from me than before waving at Olivia and gesturing to her to come to us.

After meeting with Olivia, she asked all the questions that I had expected her to ask, like "What happened?" or "Why didn\'t you take me along?". At the same time, she purposefully avoided asking questions about my communication with the beasts, and even when she heard about it, she did not look too surprised.

This caused a slight frown to form on the forehead of Rose.

Ignoring that though, we were able to quickly move out of the crowd and back towards our rooms without anyone stopping us on the way which was probably due to the dominating aura I and Yuri exuded the whole time.

We \'chilled\' together for a little while. Only after 4 hours had passed did we separate and the worst thing about it was the fact that I was unable to speak with Rose alone the whole time.

A few hours later, one could see that I was sitting in a lotus position on a blue mat. At the same time, transparent specks of light started to form in the air while moving towards my heart and accumulated as ethereal amorphous clouds formed in the center of my heart and expanded out with it. Those same clouds eventually turned into pure divine mana and diluted into the blood the moment my heart pumped.

"I\'m going to sleep. Goodnight" Olivia spoke groggily from under her sheets as she felt as if her soul was sinking into her pillow

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