Godfather Of Champions

Chapter 681 - Jealous

Chapter 681: Jealous

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the middle of the night the day after, Twain called Shania for almost the entire night. At first no one answered, and then it was simply—“Sorry the number you have dialed is not in service.”

Twain was sure he had made Shania angry, but Twain was a little confused as to how he made her angry.

Was it because I brought a woman home? But Uncle Tony also wants to have his own life…

Well, if she hates the way I bring prostitutes home… I really should apologize.

Twain waited apprehensively with bloodshot eyes until the next morning.

in accordance with his bad habit, which had been criticized many times by Shania and remained unchanged, Twain read the latest newspapers while he ate breakfast.

He flipped open a tabloid focused on gossip of the stars. He sprayed the coffee that he had just drank all onto the papers. Not only did he choke and cough forcefully, he also coughed till he perspired. His shirt was drenched.

He looked too unseemly. If called Shania were to see, she definitely would have more reason to prohibit Twain from reading the newspapers during mealtimes.

The reason for Twain’s unseemly appearance was a front-page story.

<The Staggering Secret Girlfriend of the Famous Premier League Manager Tony Twain!!>

Then a large image under the headline almost took up half of the first page of the edition. It was pieced together by two photographs. On the left, it was a photograph of Tony Twain in an interview, and on the right, it was…Shania dressed as a model on the runway!

How could Twain not spray the coffee?

He immediately went to find out who was the bastard who wrote the damn news. Underneath the “our newspaper’s reporters”, he saw a photograph and a name.

Lisa Aria.

In the photo next to the name was her frameless headshot: curly brown hair, fair complexion, and freckles on her face. Twain felt somewhat familiar with the face.

He suddenly remembered that yesterday while he was getting drunk in the bar, a woman came on to him. He eventually brought her home, only to anger Shania and caused her to leave. It was this woman!

He swore a foul word. Ah, you’re the culprit, the one who caused all this trouble. I’m already giving you face by not looking for you to settle the accounts. I did not expect you start a rumor about me!

Recalling how she left her telephone number yesterday while they chatted happily, Twain pulled out his cell phone and found the new name “Lisa” in the contacts. He was certain that this was the number left yesterday, so he dialed the number.

The call was picked up quickly, and a female voice came on. Except for a slightly different tone, it was the voice that Twain had heard last night.

“Mr. Tony Twain, I knew you’d call me.” There was none of the flirtatiousness from last night, but with an added chilliness.

“Just my luck to have gone out to relieve boredom only to encounter a reporter.” Twain said with gritted teeth.

“I said I’m not a prostitute.”

“That’s why I said ‘reporter.’ I’m so glad now that we didn’t sleep together in the end. Otherwise I don’t know what other shocking things you’re going to write about.”

“I think you misunderstood one thing. I’m not the kind of reporter who uses her body to hook up with celebrities for sensational news. Mr. Tony Twain.” Despite Twain’s uncivil tone, Lisa Aria kept calm and did not get angry.

“Well, I don’t care what you do. I need you to take this piece of news down right away and then issue a public apology to me and Miss Judy Shania Jordana in the same placement!”

“Apology? Why?”

“Why? Because you violated my and her reputation rights!”

“I don’t understand, Mr. Twain. Is it a shameful thing to admit that you’re both in love?”

“Miss Lisa Aria…” Twain was about to explode.

At this time, the other party said, “I think a lot of words can’t be clarified over the phone. The best is for us to meet face to face.”

“That won’t do. I still need to work.”

“When do you start work?”

“Nine o’clock…”

“Perfect, it’s half past seven now. I promise I won’t take up too much of your time. I know where you live. I’ll drive over. See you in twenty-five minutes, Mr. Twain.” After saying that, she hung up the phone before Twain could refuse, and individually confirmed the meeting.

“Hey…” Twain was helpless.

At this time, he had time to calm down and see what was written on the news.

In fact, the article was very difficult to write. Because the reporter was one of the parties involved. She had gone home with Twain. The readers were adults, and no one was stupid enough to think that a single man and a single woman would go home together to discuss about life and ideals. A Premier League manager and an entertainment gossip female reporter got together for a one-night stand? The news itself was explosive enough.

As a result, Lisa Aria basically did not mention the seduction in the bar. She only mentioned that she met Twain in the bar and followed him home. From there, she discovered the “a golden house to keep one’s mistress” fact—in Tony Twain’s house was the international supermodel who was currently building her film and television career in Hollywood, Judy Shania Jordana!

Although everyone knew that Jordana and Twain had a personal relationship, some people thought it was due to the Beckhams’, or that they were just ordinary friends. No one thought in the direction of the “romance department.” After all, the age gap between them was too wide. Furthermore, there was a rumor that Tony Twain was actually “gay” and only interested in men. For example, he was very close with his Chinese assistant manager, so close that it was enough for people to generate plenty of associations. Several gay magazines in the United Kingdom had fantasized about Tony Twain.

Who would have thought that Twain and Shania are having an affair!

The news was really shocking. Unfortunately, because the reporter herself was just on a night out to have fun, she did not carry a camera and could not provide any photographic evidence in kind to prove her words. But she was willing to use her integrity to assure her that she did see Shania show up at Twain’s home, and that the two people seemed to have a fight, in which Shania then angrily slammed the door and left.

Twain simply did not know whether to laugh or cry seeing such an article. On more than one occasion, he had gotten a taste of the English tabloids’ ability to distort the truth deliberately, invert right and wrong, and make up stories. But each time it would make him think that these people were too powerful. A single mouthpiece could create so many disturbances.


The second meeting with Lisa Aria came twenty-five minutes later as she had said.

Seeing the woman again, she had taken off her stylish and sexy revealing outfit and put on a plain professional attire. She even wore a pair of black-framed glasses on her nose, appearing to be very capable.

When he saw Lisa Aria coming out of her car at the door, Twain shook his head, “Women are such chameleons.”

“It could have been a beautiful chance encounter last night, Mr. Twain.” Aria laughed. Only her smile was the same as yesterday.

“Sure, a Premier League manager and a female reporter, two people sleeping together. The news would be so hot.” Although he did not welcome her, Twain still let the lady into the house out of politeness.

“You’re deeply prejudiced about the news media, Mr. Twain. I’m not the kind of reporter who likes to be the main story of the news. Have you read the news? I lied.” She was referring to the chance encounter with Twain.

“You told more than one lie. Let’s talk properly, Miss Aria. I think your article is pure fabrication.” Twain threw the newspaper in front of the other person. But he was a little embarrassed by the coffee stains on it.

Aria was a smart woman. She looked at the newspaper and glanced at the slightly uncomfortable Twain. Then she laughed, “Looks like Mr. Twain’s breakfast was on this?”

Twain cleared his throat and said, “Let’s get back to the point. I think you fabricated a horrible rumor…”

Aria took off her black-framed glasses and slightly narrowed her eyes, “Mr. Twain, there are only two of us here, so don’t pretend.”

“Pretend? I don’t understand.”

“I don’t think everything I saw in this room last night was an illusion. You might have drunk too much, but I definitely did not.”

Twain stared at the woman for a moment and said, “Okay. I’m telling the truth, too. There’s nothing going on with Shania and me. We’re just friends…”

“Liar.” Aria smiled and said, “The excuse is too clumsy.”

“Why should I lie to you?” Twain raised his voice.

“How would I know?” Aria shrugged and said, “Maybe you just don’t want the swarming media to disturb your sweet life together… Anyhow, you’re pretty good to have covered this up so tightly, Mr. Twain.”

“I take you very seriously, Miss Lisa Aria. Shania and I are just good friends, despite our age difference. You know? Our relationship is definitely not what you think!”

Aria did not answer immediately this time but looked strangely at Twain for a moment. “The media all say Tony Twain is a mystery, and it is true. I’m also serious about discussing it with you. If you’re still worried, I can swear that anything we talk about today won’t appear in any media.” She raised her hand and swore solemnly. “Are you still going to lie to me?”

Twain completely could not get angry now because he felt that this was not an issue that could be solved by being angry—he was utterly unable to communicate with the other person. “Why should I deceive you? Like you said, is it a shame to admit that we love each other? But the problem is that there’s really nothing going between her and me…”

“Why is she at your house?”

“Today is my birthday, so she came to wish me a happy birthday. It’s normal for friends to do this, isn’t it?”

“If you’re friends, why did she get angry when she saw us together? She can’t control your life, can she?”

“Not everyone can accept that their own friends bring prostitutes home to do those things….”

Aria went red in the face and interrupted Twain’s words, “Mr. Twain…”

Twain also interrupted her, “It’s just that she thought you were a prostitute. I’m not saying you’re a prostitute.”

Aria felt frustrated for a moment and found that she could not rebut Twain’s words, because what Twain said was reasonable. So, she habitually went to push up her glasses, but her fingers found an empty space instead. She went redder in the face. “Well, just… suppose I’m a prostitute… She has no right to interfere with your freedom as a friend.”

“She should still have the right to be angry.”

“Was she angry?” Aria suddenly was not red in the face anymore. She laughed this time.

Twain was puzzled by her laughter.

“Wasn’t she?”

“Do you understand women, Mr. Twain?” Instead of answering Twain, Aria asked such a question instead.

Twain stared blankly. He did not know what the question meant. “I don’t know if I understand women, but I’m sure I understand Shania more than you do.”

“Not necessarily, Mr. Twain. Don’t assume that just because you know her for a long time means that you understand her. Are you sure that you understand everyone around you?”

Aria’s words struck Twain’s Achilles’ heel. Because he thought of Bendtner who was leaving. He thought he knew Bendtner well and understood everyone on the team, that he knew what they liked, hated and wanted… But in actual fact? He overlooked the most important things and still felt regret till now.

Seeing that Twain did not say a word, Aria sensed that she had pinpointed Twain’s worry— indeed she had spoken accurately, but the “worry” was not “a matter of the heart.”

She smugly declared her victory, “Please forgive my bluntness, Mr. Twain. Last night, your very good friend was not angry, but … jealous.”

Like being struck by a thunderbolt, Twain sat dazedly in his chair and did not react even until Lisa Aria said goodbye.


Feeling preoccupied, Twain rushed to Wilford and then greeted Kerslake, “Good morning, Dunn.”

“…” Kerslake looked at Dunn standing next to Twain.

Dunn spread his hands at him.

“Anything the matter with you, Tony?” Kerslake patted Twain hard on the back which snapped him out of it.

“Ah… It’s David, good morning!”

“What’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing. I just suddenly feel that there are so many wonderful things in the world that I don’t even exist…”

Kerslake was even more certain that something was wrong with Twain. He said, “If you know all of them, then you’re not Tony Twain. You would be God.”?Then he knew it was futile to ask Twain, so he turned to ask Dunn, who had been with Him. “What’s wrong with him, Dunn?”

“A boulder was suddenly thrown into an otherwise normally calm lake. That’s what happened, David.” Dunn answered with a smile.

Kerslake was even more confused by the remark. He glanced at Dunn and muttered, “Is this East Asian people’s mysticism?” You’re both crazy…” Kerslake decided not to care about what happened to them. It was all good as long as Twain still remembered how to train and lead the team. He turned and walked away from the inexplicable duo.

Dunn took a look at Twain and followed Kerslake to walk away.

“Aren’t you playing a guessing game with Tony?” Kerslake asked.

“My lake has always been very calm.” Dunn replied with a smile.


The abandoned Twain stood alone outside his office when his cell phone rang.

He was not so distracted that he did not answer his phone, not to mention that it was Shania who called.

Shania did not exchange pleasantries with him. She kept the call short and when the phone was connected:

“Are you free at noon, Uncle Tony? Let’s have a meal together.” After she gave the name and address of the restaurant, he only heard the “beep, beep, beep” sound.

Twain wanted to say something, but the call was already disconnected.

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