I created Magic!

Chapter 134 One Versus Five!

"Lilith, Nico, Amoa, you three remember the plan. Go tell George and Davis what\'s going on quickly while these abyss demons haven\'t reacted"

"And also let them know about the other thing!"

Whispering to Lilith and the rest at his back, Alvin faced the demon generals without fear.

Right now during the course of the trip, it turns out that having the arm demonised increases its healing factor allowing it to hill faster than he expected.

Now the time passed and although it still hurt enough when moved, Alvin was sure to exert at least ninety percent of his combat strength with it.

"Yes teacher Alvin we\'re on it!"

"Yeah you can trust us!"


Hearing Alvin say this, none of them rejected it as before landing they had already discussed the plan.

However thinking of Alvin stalling for time alone, The three of them could help but feel a bit worried

Thankfully, Alvin seemed to have expected this and poke again.

"Why the long faces, remember as long as the plan is successful, then all of us might end up surviving if not winning!"

"However if it isn\'t, then there\'s a high probability we might all end up dead!"

Listening to him say this, Lilith, Aoma, and Nico seemed to feel an extra set of weights being added to their shoulders.

Realising the importance of their role, the three of them didn\'t say anything, rather they just nodded toward with blazing determination clearly shining in their eyes.

Seeing this, Alvin was satisfied

"Good, then I\'ll create a distraction, you guys run towards George and Davis Immediately!"

Not giving them a chance to reply, Alvin quickly made his move

"Abyss and body strength magic activate!"

"Abyss mode complete transformation activate!"

Shouting these two sentences, Alvin\'s body began to change

His already tall height began to grow as he reached a staggering metres tall

His human side completely disappeared as the demonised had completely spread

The horns grew out of his head and wings sprouted off the other side of his back both having a span of over two metres

And a tail whose tip looked like it could Pierce through everything.

Feeling the change and new strength in his body, Alvin wasn\'t happy rather a slight worry flashed through his mind.

This state was currently achieved by circulating the abyss aura in the right half of his body through his whole body

Through this, he could temporarily achieve a full-on abyss demon state

Unfortunately, although this state bring his hungry amount of power the side effects were just as huge

First of all, it spread around the abyss aura in his body thus increasing the rate of infection

Not only that, but it also causes his muscles and bones to bear extreme pressure brought by the sudden expansion, not including the pressure brought by using the body-strengthening magic, Alvin reckoned he could only last for about an hour

*However it\'s enough!*

Looking at the horde in front of him, and looking at Lilith and the rest sneakily trying to make their way to George and Davis, Alvin took a deep breath

"Haha calm down Alvin, haven\'t you always wanted a fight?"

"Now is the time!"

Talking to himself, for the first time Alvin tried to embrace the madness that came with the abyss infection rather than reject it.

Looking at the abyss generals standing not too far from him, Alvin knew he had to use all means necessary

*Alright then let\'s go*

"Hey abyss demons, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

Shouting that his figure disappeared


"Hey leviathan, it seems another bug has entered the playing ground"

"Oh? And this one seems to have guts, just look he\'s mocking Apophis right now"

Ignoring the boiling Apophis Azeroth laughed with leviathan as he was amused by Alvin\'s entrance

In fact not only he found it funny, but all the other abyss generals were also laughing at Apophis behind his back

Seeing this happen, Aphohis suddenly felt like he was going to explode.

"Tch… what are you laughing at, do you want me to swallow your castle when we get back!"

Cursing angrily, Aphohis Aura pressed towards all of them.

Unfinished neither of them was convinced

"Hmph! Aphohis do you think we\'re like those weaklings you\'ve devoured in the past"

"As long as you make a move on all of us, I think that day the five abyss generals would turn into four!"

Saying this leviathan along with the others looked toward Apophis with a daring expression in his eyes

Seeing this Although Apophis was confident not to lose against anybody one on one, but to think of going against all of them at the same time he knew it was impossible.

Just kidding, those who can become abyss generals are the cream of the crop standing above trillions of abyss demons and below the demon gods.

Now thinking of defeating four of them at once Apophis knew it was impossible.


Snorting coldly, Apophis turned his head, deciding to ignore them.

Unfortunately just when he was about to look at the battlefield a change suddenly occurred

"Hey abyss demons, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

A sound suddenly came into the sound of all their eyes

However, before any of them could trace where the sound came from it was too late


Under their shocked gazes, the next second the figure of Apophis being kicked miles away could be seen

*Damn! What just happened!"

Unable to understand what was happening Azeroth couldn\'t help but curse out

However, what happened next left him shocked.

Just as he was wondering what happened, he suddenly felt a palm resting on his right shoulder

"Who is it!"

Wondering who it was he turned his head, unfortunately, it was too late


Following Apophis ways, he to began his own flight as his figure flew back due to the impact

"Haha, why so weak!"

"Abyss demons, who\'s ready to try my fist next!"

Looking at the three remaining figures Alvin had a smug smile on his face.

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