I created Magic!

Chapter 75 Hogwarts!

From where they stood, the three of them could feel the huge amount of mana that Elric emitted when he cast the dream spell just now, compared to a month ago it was not an exaggeration to call it a whole nother level.

*Sigh it seems we need to have to work harder in order to keep up with the young master*

This singular thought couldn\'t help but run through the three of them\'s head

At this time, most of the crowd had already woken up from Elric\'s illusion however, unlike before when they showed fright and hesitation regarding the outside world, this time their eyes shone with infinite curious, yearning, and eagerness

Sensing their change of mood on top of the stage, Elric gave a tired smile. This time he cast a spell enveloping the whole crowd although successful, the toll on him wasn\'t small

Wiping his sweat, Elric began to give the conclusion of his speech

"Everyone, I\'m sure all of you here must have seen those images, and I assure you it\'s not fake, as long as you study diligently it\'s not impossible to wield such power if not more"

"But while this is possible, not all of you may be able to become wizards Immediately"

Pausing slightly, Elric allowed a bit of tension to build before speaking

"To become a wizard, the first step would be to sense mana!"

"After this meeting, I will teach all of you how to meditate, once this is done your soul power should increase to a certain point where you\'re able to sense mana"

"According to my research, the world of mana can be seen in many colours, red representing flame, green representing wind, blue representing water and so many more"

"During meditation, the amount of elements you see represents your affinity to said element, for example, if you see only red it means you\'re suitable for fire magic alone"

"I\'d you see a large portion of red and a hint of blue, it means that while you have a high affinity with fire, you can also dabble with water and have some gain"

"But note, affinity doesn\'t mean you can\'t use other elements, however using elements you lack affinity with will exponentially increase its consumption and reduce its effects"

"Although most of you might not understand what I\'m saying now, you\'ll soon understand."

"I just wanted to give you the heads up.so you don\'t get disappointed or frustrated later on when you notice someone progressing more than you in some aspects latter on"

Sensing confused faces among the crowd, Elric knew what he was saying now had little effect after all they had not even started meditation much less sensing mana so they couldn\'t relate to what he was saying

But considering he was on stage, Elric decided to take this as an opportunity to address as many problems as he could

"But Master Elric, what did you mean by \' not everyone here can become wizards\'

Just when Elric was about to decide what to address next, a small voice interrupted his thoughts

Turning his head, he realised it was a young girl of about seven years old with long blond hair and sky-blue eyes, seeing her face a name suddenly came to mind


As the second most active student apart from Nico, there was no way Elric couldn\'t forget her, and now hearing her question, Elric realised he had derailed off-topic

"Haha thank you, Lilith, I almost forgot to address that topic"

"As expected of Lilith, always paying attention"

Hearing Elric\'s praise, Lilith in the crowd couldn\'t help but blush slightly as she felt everyone\'s gaze on her

Seeing this Elric smiled

"Yes, I did say not everyone can be wizards"

"Remember, the prerequisite for becoming a wizard is to sense mana and it\'s unfortunate to inform you that the probability of sensing mana after meditation is not hundred percent"

According to the A.I chip without external stimulus, the current meditation method deduced has a limit it can increase, and if when they reach that limit without sensing mana, then there\'s no possibility of becoming a wizard

Listening to Elrics words, the whole crowd couldn\'t help feeling nervous after all this was their only shot at gaining such power, thankfully Elrics next words lifted up their spirits.

"But don\'t worry, although not all of you might become wizards, but you would all be accepted into the school"

"I plan to have various departments in charge of different aspects of magic such as creating magic tools and so on"

"So don\'t worry if you\'re not able to sense magic, I Elric promise you that you wouldn\'t be left be had"

Feeling their depressed emotions, Elric knew he had to give them a boost, thankfully he had already planned ahead

While it might be impossible for everyone to be a wizard, but considering that things such as drawing inscriptions on items or cutting beast parts require little to no mana, Elric was sure to find a way for all of them to participate

And sure enough, Hearing Elric say this, the tension in the crowd reduced knowing that Elric still kept a place for them, however, although reduced, everyone was still slightly tense as they all hoped they could become wizards

"Alright, that\'s it from now, after Davis and George beside me would guide you all in the process of meditation, however if you encounter any problems feel free to ask, I\'ll be sitting right here"

Pointing to a wooden chair beside him, Elric began to get ready to make way for Davis and George to take the stage

Unfortunately, before he could do that a voice suddenly sounded

"Master Elric, wait up, I have a question!"

Turning his back, Elric saw it was Nico, looking at him Elric couldn\'t help but wonder what question he had

"Master Elric! You never told us what you plan to name the school!"

Hearing Nico say this, Elric patted his head, it suddenly occurred to him that he had forgotten the most important thing in opening a school

Name it!

"Haha thank you Nico in fact I already thought of its name a long time ago"

With a slightly embarrassed laugh, Elric thought of a name he thought of a long time ago, although slightly out of bad taste he still decided to go with the name


"I\'ve decided to name it Hogwarts!"

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