I created Magic!

Chapter 38 Curse Of Bad Luck!


As if on cue, as soon Elric shouted with the thunder bunny king at the centre, a huge explosion took place shaking the foundation of the valley




And so, following his prediction, nearby small hills and mountains began to collapse, Soon it looked like the whole valley was about to collapse in on itself


*Damn it!*

With a loud shout Elric cursed out in pain, the rumble just now had caused a small stone to fall on top of his head

"By the way Davis, didn\'t you find a cave earlier when you went to cook? Let\'s stay there while we wait for the explosion after effects to die down"

Said Elric as he suddenly thought of a solution for their current predicament. And so, after saying this he looked at the three of them waiting for their opinion




Thankfully neither of them was against it, and without giving it too much thought, the three of them all agreed at the same time.

"Good, since there is no argument, let\'s hurry up and leave before this place completely collapses"

Hearing Elric say that, the three of them looked at their surroundings

At this point, most of the valley had already been filled with rubble from small avalanches making most of the corpses and injured monsters buried alive, and from the looks of it it seemed their place was next to be buried


George couldn\'t help but gulp as he Imagined himself being flattened into a George-style pancake.

"Davis, you heard what the young master said, let\'s hurry out of here!" George said to Davis in an urging tone.

*Rumble~ Rumble~*

As soon as he finished speaking the ground underneath them began to shake, obviously the shock wave had reached their side.

"Damn it everybody follow Davis and run!!"

Feeling the vibrations, Elric immediately gave the order, luckily Davis was quick to react and quickly ran in the direction of the cave


As they started running, suddenly a loud bang suddenly rang out from behind them

"Young master, what was that? Boom Is never a good sound" with a wary tone in his voice, Alvin asked Elric who was running slightly in front of him.

Hearing this, out of curiosity Elric turned back however what he saw made him wish he didn\'t

It turns out that the earlier rumble had led a huge boulder to fall causing it to roll down in their direction.

"You guys, whatever you don\'t look back"

Trying to keep everyone calm, Elric didn\'t tell anyone about the fact that they were about to be crushed by a giant rock.

Unfortunately whenever someone says the words \'don\'t look back" they always look back

"Damn! For the love of Elias, can anything else go wrong??"

As soon as George turned back he couldn\'t help but curse out loud, even Alvin and Davis seemed to have gotten a speed boost

*Pant~ pant~*

"Davis, are we almost there yet?" Asked Alvin as he had already begun to pant slightly from the run.




Just as Davis was about to speak, the constant tumbling sound from behind the severed as a countdown before being sent to pancake town

"We\'re almost there, the cave should appear any minute from now!" Shouted Davis as he pointed eastwards

Soon under the guidance of Davis, a cave entrance could be slightly made out

"I see it, over there!"

Saying this, Eric took out his spell book from the small world and held it in his right hand

"Body strengthening magic activated!"

With a low mumble, the body strengthening inscription in the book began to flash soon the bodies of all for if them were covered in a layer of mana and inscriptions

"Don\'t ask any questions, just focus on your body, and try and speed up"

Knowing that the three of them would want to ask him what happened, Elric quickly shut them down

Soon, the speed of all four of them sped up reaching the cave in a few seconds


As soon as they entered, the large boulder completely caught up with them sealing the only entrance and exit with its huge size

"Phew~ we made it"

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Alvin sat down on the cave floor to relax

"However, how do we get out?"

But looking at the huge boulder blocking their exit, he suddenly had a headache, not only him, even Elric and Davis looked at the blocked exit with a serious expressions on their face

"Haha, it\'s not so bad, after all we stayed in a cave not too long ago, I guess you could say we\'re destined"

Sensing the seriousness in the air, with a dry laugh George tried to lessen the mood by cracking a few jokes.


Just when George was about to continue cracking jokes, a pain filled roar could be heard from deep within the cave

"Damn what is it this time!"

Hearing this roar Elric suddenly felt like ripping out his hair, it seemed one even just kept coming one after the other, he felt like he was cursed with bad luck or something

"Bad luck that\'s it!"

Slapping his right thigh Elric suddenly came to a realisation

"That is most likely what\'s going on!"

"Damn river God, don\'t let me get you!"

Thinking of what was going on, Elric cursed out in anger.

It turns out that as they were escaping from the river Gods anger back then, he cursed all of them with bad luck it was just that Elric didn\'t think much about it after all the theory of luck was a superstition back on the blue star

*However during the A.I. chips scan of me earlier, why didn\'t it detect anything like a curse on me? Could it be that the A.I chip needs to evolve before it can detect things like curses and luck?"

The more he thought about it, the more he became confused and angry


However, the roars of pain from deep within the cave didn\'t seem to want him to think much longer

"George and Alvin you guys stay here, Davis follow me"

"Flame on!"

With a look of anger on his face, accompanied by Davis Elric summoned a fireball and headed toward the depth of the cave

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