Unsealing Emptiness

Chapter 115

Not only that, but the parts that were cut off started regenerating. Under a few moments, the path they had created was filled with the bushes, vines, and plants again.

When all the other mercenaries were still engrossed in the surrounding greenery, Ozul felt something rushing towards them.

“A rank 6 beast? No... two rank 6 beasts.” Ozul focused and noticed that there were two rank 6 running in their direction.

Just as he was thinking as such, Clive suddenly shouted, “Get ready! Something is coming our way!”

It was apparent that he had also sensed something coming their way. It was just that he didn’t know what.

The mercenaries braced themselves for whatever was coming their way. A few seconds later, two rank 6 beasts stood before the convoy.


The beasts looked like some wolf, but it had enormous jaws with all their teeth sticking out as saliva dripped from them. Instead of fur like wolves, some sorts of scales that looked like rocks covered their entire body, even their lizard-like tails.

Amidst all their unique physical traits, the two which stood out the most were their horns and their eyes. Their eyes glowed yellow with vertical slits in them.

“Drakes...” Raven unconsciously muttered when she realized what stood before them. Count Oliver had given her many books, and most of them were studies on magical beasts. So Raven instantly recognized the creatures before her.

“What are drakes?” Blaze asked on her side when he heard her words.

“A drake is-” Raven was about to explain Blaze about drakes, but she was cut off because of the noise caused by the commotion.

Despite their low voice, the mercenaries had heard them because of the silence that had been caused by the sudden arrival of these two creatures.

“No way! These are drakes?”

“But weren’t they like, extinct or something?”

“They are? What is so special about them?” A muscular man asked with his head tilted to the side. He was just a rank 7 Fighter.

“Huh?! You idiot! Haven’t you read that the drakes are rumored to have the bloodline of dragons!?” His leader shouted at him, annoyed that he had to describe even this common knowledge to the muscle head.

“But, boss! Dragons are just a myth! My parents used to tell me that!” The burly man replied in his defense.

“And your parents are dead now! Aren’t they?!” His leader spat cruelly.

The burly man instantly shut up and did not utter a word after that.

“Shut up, you fools and focus!” Clive’s shout instantly stopped all the murmurs from the mercenaries. He continued, “Although they are only at the middle stage of rank 6, you cannot underestimate their powers. Did you forget that their single attack will kill most of you!?”

Hearing his shout caused the mercenaries to remember the situation they were in. The number of people who could deal with monsters at this level could be counted on one hand in this group!

Even a stray spell or attack from the beast could cause them to lose their lives!

“Good. Now step back and get into the formation.” Clive shouted the orders when he noticed that the mercenaries understood their situation-seemingly satisfied with their behavior.

All the men and women took their positions according to the formation that they had discussed before. They set this formation in a way that it would be almost impossible for anyone under rank 6 to be able to attack Clara.

Though only under rank 6 because the rank-6 mages were not included in the formation. Since their magical spells caused great destruction, and it would be dangerous for them to fight anywhere near Clara.

All it took was a few seconds before everyone was ready to deal with the two drakes.

The only thing that the rank-6 mages and above found strange was that it had been a couple of minutes, and the drakes were only looking at them eagerly. They did not attack at all!

Clive and the other two rank-7 mages immediately noticed that the drakes seemed to have doubts now.

Despite when they had themselves run all the way here to hunt, the drakes appeared to be hesitating on whether or not to attack!

It was strange to see some beasts contemplating their actions. But then again, not only were these drakes rank 6, but they were also rumored to have the bloodline of dragons.

The only thing that they could not understand was as to why the drakes were not attacking.

“Is it because they realized that they couldn’t win?” Barry, the leader of Wind Eagles, muttered.

“No. If the drakes had realized it, they wouldn’t hesitate and just run away. It seems like... they are unsure of what to do.” said Clive.

When the rank 6 and above mages were discussing among themselves, Ozul had different thoughts in his mind. Unlike others, he could sense emotions. And the emotions he felt from the drakes were that of uncertainty.

Only when he followed where those emotions were directed did he realize that the drakes were looking right in his direction! Yet, he was not the cause of the uncertainty among the duo of drakes.

It was another creature right by his legs instead. When Ozul looked down, he noticed that Jinx was there, sitting on a big mushroom-like plant, licking her paws. She seemed uncaring as ever.

“So they are confused because of you, huh? It’s probably their instincts telling them not to go against you.” Ozul said in a low voice, looking curiously at Jinx.

Although he could almost communicate with her just by eye contact, he did not know much about her, only that she was somehow related to him.

“So what are we waiting for? The one who gets the kill will get to keep the cores, yeah?” Barry asked impatiently.

“Of course!” Clive said before he himself rushed towards the drakes. If it were any other beast, Clive would have cared much about it. However, it was a known fact that the magical core of a drake was a treasure in itself.

And there were two such treasures before them, just waiting to be retrieved by someone!

Some places on the continent even considered the drakes to have gone extinct. Clive still remembered that Sir Rufus had told me that once Emperor Luthien bought a drake’s core for millions of purple coins!

A drake’s core was quite unique because of its certain peculiarity. So no one would miss a chance to get their hands on it.

Ozul watched as Clive created some distance between himself and the group so his attacks wouldn’t be any danger for them.

“Stay here. They are not something that you can handle.” Ozul said to Raven, who was slowly creeping towards the drakes.

“Aw. But aren’t they only rank 6? Even if I can’t win, can’t I spar with them a little?” Raven sighed dejectedly. She really wanted to face off against them.

“No. They are only rank 6, but I can tell just from a look that they are much more dangerous than any other rank 6 beasts.” Ozul replied in a stern tone, indicating that there was no room for negotiations.

Raven realized that she would not be able to do anything to change his mind, so she quietly went back to her position. Though she still watched intently at the battle that was going to take place between the drakes and the rank 6 and above mages.

On the side, Blaze was also disappointed since even Raven was not allowed to take part in the fight, then there were no chances for him either.

Inside the formation of mercenaries, Clara could only watch helplessly. She did not like being protected by so many people as it suffocated her.

“Sir Hanry. You have to acquire at least one drake’s core. There is so much that I would be able to do with it!” Clara had never seen a drake’s core, but she was aware of its value.

Hanry had not taken part in the battle because his duty was only to protect the young miss. But when he heard her words, he contemplated for a while before looking at Venessa beside her.

“Don’t worry, Sir Hanry. I am with Young Miss, and there is a whole bunch of mercenaries surrounding us as well.” Venessa nodded her head and reassured him.

When Hanry looked around and confirmed the tight security, he nodded his head towards Clara and said, “Very well. I will bring you the drake’s core.”

After saying that, he also too started rushing towards the drakes. It was first come, first serve. The early bird would get the worm, so they were all in a hurry to be the first one to kill the drakes.

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